P001 → Fabrica - WhatIf?
The project started with picking a visual designer’s body of work and dissecting common elements that span across their career. For this, Chris Ashworth was chosen as a precedent.
Studying Chris Ashworth’s portfolio, three key design qualities emerged. To establish an art direction, these qualities were then analyzed across other designers' works to identify patterns and classify different approaches to implementing them in graphic design.
+ Abstracting Techniques: the images in the corner rectangle are from Ashworth’s body of work.
+ Abstracting Techniques: the images in the corner rectangle are from Ashworth’s body of work.
+ Abstracting Techniques: the images in the corner rectangle are from Ashworth’s body of work.
Abstracted from the general three principles, I began exploring ways to use typography as texture, while using repetitive forms and extreme visual contrasts in visual weight to instil a sense of movement in these compositions.
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